Key to creating innovative and more sustainable programs is fitting them within the existing needs and values of target participants. Naserian partners with one of the region’s preeminent conservation organisations, Big Life Foundation. Big Life Foundation is non-profit conservation organisation focused on preserving the wildlife and habitats of the Amboseli-Tsavo-Kilimanjaro ecosystem of East Africa through community-based and collaborative strategies.

From a conservation program perspective, human-centred design focuses on empathy for the program participant, and, for a moment, ignores the needs of the conservation target. Once individuals’ needs are well articulated, participatory processes are employed to incorporate biodiversity conservation needs, and co-create the program structure with the participants.

With its close community links and its understanding that the economic and cultural needs of the community must be satisfied before any long-lasting conservation the Naserian Foundation is well positioned to co-design and implement changes that will ensure that the environment and its inhabitants - both human and animal - are able to prosper.

“We admire elephants in part because they demonstrate what we consider the finest human traits: empathy, self-awareness, and social intelligence.”

— Graydon Carter